Animale Sanctuary
Ten Mile Tennessee
We Believe Education is the Key, if you Know better you Do Better, So this is what we do to help the community and educate our Followers Check it out!!!
We post fun facts on our Social Media accounts to make people aware of different subjects and to get people of all ages especially kids to have fun interacting with our sites and get educated the fun way!!
Some of the things we touch upon is the importance of Spay / Neuter and why it is so important and the impact it has.
We also give info on other organizations and their contact info.
We Provide info on Wildlife (What to do how to do it and who to call).
We work with home school groups who come out to visit the Sanctuary & Learn about the animals and Help out with Chores.
We also set up at Fairs and Festivals to get the word out about our Mission.
We are always glad to Answer questions and help if possible and direct people to who can help them through various channels like our Social Media accounts, Email, the contact us button on our web site and even a cell phone.